New Training Suits and Sunburn

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Suncream fail rather than clothing fail I would say.


Although not all clothing blocks UV it seems. I saw a recent pic of a rider that now has "AG2R De Mondial" suntanned onto his thighs after a day out training in Oz :smile:
Englishman goes abroad and gets sunburnt.............hardly a rare event

To quote Monty Python:

Yes, you're quite right. I'm fed up with being treated like sheep. What's the point of going abroad if you're just another tourist carted around in buses surrounded by sweaty mindless oafs from Kettering and Boventry in their cloth caps and their cardigans and their transistor radios and their Sunday Mirrors, bomplaining about the tea - 'Oh they don't make it properly here, do they, not like at home' - and stopping at Majorcan bodegas selling fish and chips and Watney's Red Barrel and calamaris and two veg and sitting in their cotton frocks squirting Timothy White's suncream all over their puffy raw swollen purulent flesh 'cos they 'overdid it on the first day.'

This is mystifying to me: fabrics have been UV rated for decades. How can rapha have made such a stupid error?

(and that clip is censored: doesn't Mr Smoketoomuch mutter to himself "stupid bunt"?)

Edit: oh ,and thank god - can you imagine the horror if MAMIL's started wearing similar????
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For those that don't want to expose themselves to daily mail sidebars ...


Does this mean he has "Sky" burned into his chest?


Rural Quebec
This reminds me of those old comics where Denis the Menace would put a colander over the face of someone at the beach and they would wake up with measles spots.
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