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New Member
Hi there,

just joined up so thought i'd intro myself.
I'm a keen road cyclist and own a few bikes, my best one being a Dogma 60.1 with full dura race that i bought last year, i've done a good few miles on it, but its first run out with a group was on Saturday at the Stockton cycling festival sportive I entered the "medium" so 60 odd miles, what a day! it must of rained from start to finish! still great ride out apart from cramp in both legs which i've only started suffering, not too sure whats happening but i try to do all the right things re hydration etc but boy does it hurt.any suggestions?
Anyhow what else? I work monday to Friday in Aberdeen so a slave to the Oil and Gas industry.
I have two young kids a boy and a girl, both are growing into biking fans too which is great

Oh and I am a rubbish speller, so if in future words are spelt wrong, sorry in advance.


Hi Sven, welcum to the foroom - and donut worri abott speeling, its not a riquirment of joyning in ... :smile:

Being serious for a minute, post in the Training forum to ask about your cramp issues - I'm sure you'll get some good advice in there:

Shaun :biggrin:

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
You see Syen, I was liking everything you were saying up until this bit 'my best one being a Dogma 60.1 with full dura-ace' :biggrin:


Cramp, OK, theres a lot of stuff talked about hydration and salts and stuff, but the truth is that nobody really knows what causes it. But one thing is pretty true is that it's most common with newbies and those pushing too hard at the start of the season. So I'd say that overall 'condition' has a lot to do with it. Possibly in the cold rain you were over-exerting. Rarely see cramp threads at the end of the season.
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