New to road biking (USA). Trek 1200 for commuting + riding?

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New Member
I'm looking to get my first road bike for around $500. I also want to dabble in road cycling (as a sport) but have never done so before. I have a 2 mile (each way) commute to work every day and plan to use the bike for that too.

I haven't been able to find much in my area in this price range. A local shop is selling a Trek 1200 (2006 I think) for $500 but from what I can tell this is overpriced even if its in excellent condition. They do offer 1 month warranty though.

I was initially interested in the RC100/RC120 from Decathlon but unfortunately it seems they have been discontinued. Buying something new would give me piece of mind but I would still like to stay away from "Walmart" brands.

Is the trek worth it or should I just keep waiting to see what pops up on Facebook/Craigslist?
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