New saddle bag options

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So, I've been a long time devotee to Lezyne saddle bags as I've always found them to be robust and good value for money. Whilst that opinion hasn't changed, I've recently bought the TOOO cycle camera / light and tested it out this morning. Unfortunately the Lezyne L Caddy bag and the camera combined need too much room on the seat post.

So, has anyone got any recommendations on a decent volume saddle bag that can take a couple of inner tubes, levers, multi-tool and some air cannisters and adapter and has a smaller profile to avoid blocking the camera?



Senior Member
I switched to a very small (half length) frame bag for a similar reason - might be worth considering?


Active Member
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Topeak Aero Wedge?
Another vote for that from these quarters. I think you will need the large one to accommodate all that.

In my large I can get Topeak roadie pump, tyre levers, patch kit, inner tube, multi-tool, spare chain link, coin cell battery, CO2 cannisters (x2) and CO2 dispensery thing.

I also have the medium, and then it's a choice betwee the Topeak roadie pump (just fits) or the CO2 cannisters - and that's with a spare TPU innter tube instead of a latex/butyl one.

I'm not sure whether or not the profile will intrude less on the cameras picture than the Lezyne bag you have. For the version of these bags that comes with the quick release saddle attachment, I think it will depend very much on the saddle you have installed and the distance between the rails.

On one of my bikes, I can get the quick release attachment onto the very back of the saddle where the rails turn upward. On the other, the rails are too wide at this point, so the rear of the bag consequently sits a bit lower. The bag doesn't intrude on the visibility of the rear light mounted below it, though.
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