new member

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New Member
not sure if I will be welcomed to this site but here goes,68 years old,cycled all my life,got cancer,3 years into remission and now ride an electric bike (pedelec so I still have to put in a fair bit of effort),ride mainly off road,I realise that riding an electric bike is probably an anathema to most of you but it is better than the alternative,watching rubbish day time television and rotting on the sofa,I am retiring from my part time job at the end of October so hope to get a lot more cycling in ( in between the list of job's my wife thinks I will have more time to do).


MIKE aka. flyboy


Bimbleur extraordinaire
Back up north
Hi Mike

Everyone (except trolls and spammers!) are welcome here - from those who think 5 miles on the flat is a major achievement to those who do thousands of miles a year.



New Member
Thanks Spinny,
I'm from an age where trolls were in children's story's and spam was something you got in a sandwich when you visited your gran!

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Hi. Welcome to the forum :welcome:. If its got wheels, and it gets you out in the fresh air, its great. Others here have ebikes as well, so welcome aboard and good for you for wanting to get out and do some exercise.


A gentlemanly pootler, these days
West Wickham
not sure if I will be welcomed to this site but here goes,68 years old,cycled all my life,got cancer,3 years into remission and now ride an electric bike (pedelec so I still have to put in a fair bit of effort),ride mainly off road,I realise that riding an electric bike is probably an anathema to most of you but it is better than the alternative,watching rubbish day time television and rotting on the sofa,I am retiring from my part time job at the end of October so hope to get a lot more cycling in ( in between the list of job's my wife thinks I will have more time to do).


MIKE aka. flyboy
Welcome! And well done on getting out there, telly's crap.


Über Member
Thanks Spinny,
I'm from an age where trolls were in children's story's and spam was something you got in a sandwich when you visited your gran!
What's wrong with spam sandwiches ? [Or that delicacy the spam fritter ?] Any how - :welcome:
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