new guy - trying to get fit again

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Proffesional Biskit Eater Upper
The Biscuit Tin
Not really sure what to put here but ive been lurking a little while and after buying my first bike i thought i would sign up.

never really ridden a bike apart from when i was a little kid, at 19 years old and being 23 stone at 6ft6 and struggling to even walk to the shop i decided it was time to do something about it while im still young.

At the moment im only riding around the block but im planning on gradually building the distance up as i get fitter.

anyway that was my hello.

Thanks for all the info on this site that has already helped me loads! :smile:

Angry Blonde

Über Member
good luck mate, add a little bit further every time, but dont do toomuch and sicken yourself

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Hello. Welcome to the forum :welcome:. Take your time. Build up the distance slowly. It isnt a race. Just go as far as you feel comfortable with and gradually add distance. Fun and having fun is the name of the game.


Über Member
19 !!!:eek: I hadn't even given up by that age. I came back at 50+ and if I can do anybody can [although I admit I don't get out as much as I'd like]. Ride on and enjoy it.


Hi and welcome, I'm a newbie here myself. But I have I have a similar story to yourself, I returned to cycling nearly 20 years ago, and struggled just to ride the bike home from the shop. Now I'm going out and doing 50-60 mile rides

Just build up slowly and surely,admire the countryside and scenery, keep it enjoyable,cos if you don't enjoy it, you won't want to do it.


Proffesional Biskit Eater Upper
The Biscuit Tin
Thanks for the welcome guys.

Upped my distance a tad from around the block to the shop and back today, it felt good but my legs are aching now.


Disenchanted Member
West Yorkshire
Welcome, fellow newbie here too. I got back on a bike after almost thirty years for the same reasons as yourself, to get fit and lose a bit of weight. Can't get enough of it now.


World class procrastinator
Hi & :welcome: to CC.
Riding around the block is a great place to start. Don't over do it, take it steady and have lots and lots of fun :okay:


Über Member
Hi and welcome all the above advice is spot on, as stated just build up your distances steadily forget about speed for the moment that will happen on it's own! Also as some one told me when I got back on the bike IT DOE,S NOT GET EASIER YOU JUST GET FASTER THATS ALL !


World class procrastinator
You will find that fitness comes faster than you think it will as long as you don't go bonkers in the first couple of weeks and do yourself an injury. Don't forget to have rest days. Hubster used to ride 2 days - day off - 2 days riding - day off etc.
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