New commuter bike

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New Member
So, sick of the time it's taking for the insurnce to pay out for my comuter being written off I have decided to just replace it. I have been thinking about a Kona Sutra as I want something I can do the tow patchs and use in the winter... also something I can load up for days away. My only worry is missing the boardman speed... though to be far I don't think it makes my comuutes any faster as it just gets you to the lights quicker! So does anyone here use a tourer to commute with? are they heavy slow beasts? Anyone got any other bike to throw into the mix? :biggrin: My budget is up to £1300, though would rather pay a lot less.


I use something similar to a tourer (Spesh Tricross) and a road bike (Spesh Secteur) to commute and there is no measurable difference in the speed. The tourer is heavier, especially the wheels and tyres, but that also makes it smoother on rough tarmac and easier to just ride rather than having to look out for every pot hole, ridge, lump and bump.

My commute is just shy of 10 miles, the Tricross is slower when climbing but that's offset on the descent and the extra speed I can carry when on minor roads and lanes.

You might notice the extra effort if you have a lot of lights, as the road bike does get up to speed faster, but that's purely down to the details of your commute.


New Member
I use my Surly LHT for my commute, it's pretty heavy once i the panniers on etc but it's so comfortable to ride and not much slower than my hybrid. Kona's are cool though!


New Member
The Surly LHT with 700c wheels is on my list of maybes. The Kona looks nice, though yet to see one in the flesh. That crooslight is a nice looking bike, cheers. Will go read more and grow my list!


Growing older but not up...
Surly Cross Check. Lighter than the LHT, 700c wheels as standard and the 2011 version has front and rear pannier brackets.


Legendary Member
near Hornsea
I regularly use my Ridgeback Panorama for commuting & it's not much slower than the road bike, but it is considerably quicker than the hybrid :thumbsup: The Panorama is within budget & comes with front & rear racks, mudguards & bottle cages, so ready to run & it's British built :blush:


New Member
Ah, never thought of Ridgeback. There is a Ridgeback LBS 5 mins from my flat so will go take a look... cheers.


New Member
Anyone got a Boardman CX? I'm thinking a full on tourer might not be what I need, and more a CX style bike. My Boardman team carbon is outstanding, and if they cx is as half as good to ride then i'll be a happy man!
I have a Dawes Karakum, it has front and rear mud guards and front and rear carriers and butterfly handle bars.
It came with 700x38 tyres but @ the moment I have 700x28 on seems to roll better
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