new bike

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Bikes are like everything else. You get what you pay for, and this bike is extremely cheap indeed. Which is fine, if that is what your budget stretches to I'm sure it will work well for you. But don't expect the components - gears, wheels, suspension forks etc to last very long, especially if you take it off road. Cheap bikes are cheap for a reason and you may have to end up replacing bits and pieces before too long. TBH, if you can stretch your budget to maybe double the price you would then buy a bike which would come with a better frame and better components and in the long run might end up cheaper for you.


In what world is a bike costing over £250 'extremely cheap indeed'? I'd say a bike has to be well south of £100 (as many Argos/Tesco lovelies are) to merit that tag.

Personally what I know about bikes like that could be written on a brake pad (and discarded as worthless at that) but the one thing I will say is, if your budget's limited, it might be worth at least thinking about second hand. Depending on where you are (big cities are best - more choice) it might be worth having a poke around ebay. A surprising number of people buy £500 bikes with all good intentions, barely use them, and sell them a year later, virtually unridden, for half what they paid, or less.


Legendary Member
Carrera would be the best choice I'd say, unless your commute is over hills and through forests :biggrin: Go have a look at your local Halfords, just expect to get it checked over elsewhere :biggrin:


its just to get to work on really! dont need anything to expensive


Then you really don't need a mountain bike with suspension. It would be too heavy and the knobbly tyres would be too wide for the road. So a heavy bike and wide knobbly tyres would slow you down and spoil the ride. As has been said, hybrids are ideal commuting bikes, lighter and with road specific tyres but robust enough to deal with potholes and tow paths and so on. Avoid suspension on low budget bikes if you can, they just add weight and are just something else to go wrong.
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