I have had a recurring frozen shoulder for years so don't normally take a lot of notice of it, it comes and goes and isn't particularly disabling. A few weeks ago I woke up with a really painful, stiff neck, and the pain upon any head movement radiated through my shoulder and down my arm. Things have eased a bit and the pain is more localised now. The neck pain is still bad and the shoulder pain seems to be deep in the arm pit and my hand often feels like a limb "gone to sleep". This is most uncomfortable when cycling. As I said this has been going on for several weeks so I suppose I really ought to go see the doctor. I think there is probably a trapped nerve somewhere along the line so the doctor wont do much, physio takes months to be seen (I don't have the means to go private) so has anyone, preferably someone who has had similar so knows what they are talking about, any suggestions as to some sort of exercises that may help.