NCIS anyone ?

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Legendary Member
Noodley said:
Mrs Noodley is a proper real life detective if that helps...

If you tell me next that she is a slight goth dresser that is great at using a chemistry lab?then yes it helps a bit:biggrin:


col said:
If you tell me next that she is a slight goth dresser that is great at using a chemistry lab?then yes it helps a bit:biggrin:

No she is a bit of a slinky redhead...she has no need for a microscope :headshake::evil:


Legendary Member
You need to see it noodley,its on five at eight oclock cant remember the night,or fx channel 179 on cable most nights i think repeated at 1230,you will either like it or hate it,david mccallum is the forensics guy who cuts the bodies up to find out how they died,they sort of make a good team for the programme.


Legendary Member
Noodley said:
I still think I'll give it a miss. I'll ask Mrs Noodley to act out a scene...:headshake:

A good alternative,now how do i put this to MLML:biggrin:


Legendary Member
Noodley said:

My Love my life,my lovely wife of 25 years.:headshake:


back and brave
mr_hippo said:
In my opinion, CSI Miami & CSI NY are pale imitations of Vegas

Agreed. Miami and Vegas are on at the moment here in France (in English too!) NY has been on but not at the moment.

Miami is ALWAYS the same; shots of technicians looking through microscopes, ex-NYPD bloke looking sideways whilst he takes on/off his shades whilst talking in that unbelievably patronising way, and baddies saying 'prove it' or some variation thereof. It's shallow beyond belief.

Vegas has at least some story and character depth (remember, we're talking in relative terms here!). I've no idea who Abby is (mentioned on another thread) but if you've not seen Ronnie yet, be prepared for a treat! She's only in 4 episodes of Vegas (latest series) but she is gorgeous.
As well as CSI, NCIS and all the other tosh, my missus likes the Monk, the detective with OCD, and the one with the bird who's a detective or psychologist, but is blind (or deaf I forget).

Hallmark TV is the reason I've got so fit this year.
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