Mysterious flats

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Has anyone suffered a flat on a inner tubed tyre & found no puncture? It's happened to me twice now since getting my trike in late December.The first one I'd had a puncture in January which I'd repaired & checked the inflated inner tube submerged under water & it was showing no leakage. The tyre I repaired went down the following day so I removed the patch on the inner tube & applied a new one (it's stayed inflated so far). Since then I've put stans no tubes in all 3 tyres so I thought I'd be safe but to my surprise the second happened on Sunday. The inner tube had never been repaired before & there was no visible puncture so I put another dose of Stans in for good measure. Is there a explaination for this happening?


Active Member
Recently I had some mysterious flats which turned out to be a broken valve, so just replaced the inner tube entirely.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Check the inside of your tire rim .There may be a burr from the metal finishing process that may be causing this. Just a guess, but it has happened to me. Also check inside your tire for embedded things that may cause recurring punctures.
And I wouldn't bother with patches. Tubes are relatively cheap online now, and I just throw them away. For the $3 or so that a tube costs I'd rather not take the risk that a patch lets me down on the ride.


Internet Marketing bod
I've had a few when tyres are very worn and have only solved them by replacing the tyre and the tube.
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