my knees are starting to cause real jip...

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hero of valour

Well-Known Member
...ive moved and currently have a round 28 mile knees literally start feeling really sore and painful after 8 miles and it's causing my real discomfort..any tips??


Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
Have you had a proper bike fit? It could be something as simple as an incorrect saddle height.

Amanda P

Legendary Member
If they're like my knees, they need keeping warm, even in quite mild weather. I can get away with exposing them for short distances, but on a longer ride, they'll give trouble if not kept warm. Fleecy tights or bikesters with the sleeves of an old fleecy jacket sewn into the knees are required in winter.

They are, after all, 86 years old between them.


Legendary Member
Knee pain is sign of saddle being too low. Raise your saddle a mm or two at a time til you're comfortable,

Then if it persists and you're wearing cleats make sure they are angled right according to your leg.

Also make sure wearing warm clothes ie leggings


Fast and careful!
I have suffered from knee pain where the quad joins under the knee at the top of the tendon that runs down the front of the lower leg,mine was where the quad gets to tight and then gives you pain at the lower knee,this pain will be worse when the quad is loaded so try sitting on your heels in a squat movement to see if this is the case,
Yes it can be a bike fit or cleats,but check your quads,by load stretching with a good physio and prescribed exercises it can improve quickly,I was measured -38 on quad flexibility am now getting close to zero,but I also run a lot which is not the best for tight leg muscle groups
How do they feel if you have a few days off the bike and take alternative excercise? Say go for a 5 or 6 mile walk. If they hurt when you walk then it may not be the bike that is the problem, though I would not rule it out because poor set-up as stated many times above is often the cause.

Are you talking enough vits & minerals with your diet, enough natural joint lubrication? It could be any number of things - are you losing weight? (this one makes the previous question more likely) if you are then I would suggest looking a some form of suppliment for joints to assist or you could just be low on potassium (like me - and my knees hurt more at night - keep them warmer they hurt less but usually at night in those dark hours just before dawn). Stopping exercise makes no difference for my knee 'pain'. I also need custom orthopaedic inner soles - if you have those normally and are not using them then you need to take that into account. (I cycle in boots and use toe straps for a reason (other than cost), my orthopaedic inner soles require me to use boots all the time and that also includes cycling)
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