My furthest yet.....

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Gaz Vickers

Well-Known Member
Just back from my furthest ride yet, it had a monster climb in there too. (well i thought it was a big'en)
Apart from a very tender backside, i feel surprisingly ok. Now to dig the trunks and take the kids swimming!
oh and yesterday was my 1 year no smoking anniversary! :wahhey:
Just though i'd share my good news with you lovely people. Have a good day :thumbsup:


Legendary Member
Well done on both counts. Sunday morning runs are always nice as it is nice and quiet. Bit misty around here this morning so I was glad I had lights but at least it was one degree above freezing rather than below so fingers weren't numb today.

The swimming will ease your muscles off. Enjoy :smile:


Winter is Coming!
Kendal Cumbria
Well done on everything particularly the ciggies. I have been off them nearly 19 years and don't miss them a bit. Tremendous achievement.



Senior Member
Well done Gaz!! Thats some good milage for a sunday morning :smile: I gave up the fags 3 months ago and although keeping on top of the weight seems more problematic its been worth it!


South Somerset
Well done, especialy on the cigs


Well done, Did my first 20miler today.

Also good job on the cigs, I myself have just recently quit once I was bitten by the cycling bug!
Gaz Vickers

Gaz Vickers

Well-Known Member
Cheers folks. Quitting the cigs has given me a new lease of life, coupled with a mid life crisis the urge to get fit before i grt fat. Lol, I wish is checked the.mileage then I would of.diverted to make it to 20 miles. The hill. Sorry mountain, nearly broke me. But I plugged away at 2mph and a few swear words but I did it. Early Sundays are great for cycling, plenty of other cyclists out and about, very friendly hello's too. I think swimming helped my aching muscles. Time to rest now. Is that a beer in the fridge?........


Well-Known Member
Good going! I also did my longest ride yet, cracking 20 miles for the first time.

There were plenty of team-colours folk out who were comparatively flying up the hills, but they're still a grind for me. The flatter bits are ok, but the 500ft-climb-in-2-miles hill is still beyond me in one shot. One day, soon...

Now, I'll join you in a reward pint! Cheers!
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