My first off....idiot

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Was only coming back from the shops really slowly, bag of food over my shoulder holding only one side of the handle bar properly and braked and came off. Bruised wrist and sore knee. Very annoyd as I'd never ride like that on my commute. Hopefully bike needs only small adjustment.

As they say, be most careful near to home.

Very annoyed at my stupidity.


World class procrastinator
Oooh, hope you are OK.

I did a similar thing a few years ago. Riding down our road when I noticed new people moving in to No. 33 and I was so busy watching them carry stuff in to the house that I cycled straight into the back of a parked car. Felt a right pratt.

I never came off carrying the shopping though, I must have just got lucky with it. But as you say, take care close to home.


Oaf on a Bike
Ouch, hope all is alright :smile:

I used to carry shopping sometimes back from the local shop, I found the best way was to have it on the handlebar so you can still hold on and still use both brakes and brake hard. You just have to be sure to brace the handlebars as you brake and the bag pulls one side forward and dont corner too fast, but it was always fairly safe. Carrying it in one hand to the side or over shoulder always seemed unstable though ;)


Über Member
Ouch, GWS.

I've not come off whilst carrying shopping but I did almost drop my bike in front of a bus last week as all the weight was on one side. Made the mistake of only taking one pannier to work and a bag of cat litter, 24 packets of food and a loaf are really heavy.


I don't carry shopping. Mainly because I don't do the shopping, and even if I did we live next door to Sainsbury. However living close to shops gives lots of opportunities to see other people carry shopping. I've seen some scary sights wending their way along the road near us laden with shopping. One of the most interesting ones was someone with two huge bags containing what looked like continental quilts. One on each side, wrists through the hole in the top and then onto the handlebars. I reckoned he would at least get some cushioning if he fell off. Then he crossed the road in front of an oncoming car, mounted the pavement and disappeared round the corner.I went home and told my wife and she said oh yes, Sainsbury have been selling off their quilts just now.

I was trying to imagine just how anyone would ever think that was a good idea?


Baldy Go
Sorry to hear about your 'off'!

I don't like carrying stuff I've not planned for...but incase of emergancy shopping, I invested a few quid in a 'pack-away' rucsac that lives in my back pocket. Used it for the first time this weekend when I found myself buying stuff I couldn't really carry safely without and it proved a wise investment. Worth a thought?



Plaistow, London
Sorry to hear it :sad: and I agree with the close to home part, last week I left my house, had made it about 200m when someone opened their car door into me. Big bruise on thigh and sprained ankle.

As far as carrying shopping, I bought too much to fit in my rucksack a couple of weeks ago and ended up with two full bags, I made it home safely, but only with the help of the force.


Plaistow, London
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