Hi All,
I'm entering my first ever MTB race in Sept & am trying to figure out how the points work with BC.
Is there only points for the first 25 or so, or does everyone who completes the course get at least one point ?
The race is classed as BC Regional B.
Any help appreciated.
Also, I'm only a bronze member of BC at the moment, do I have to get the provisional lic or full lic to get the points & a silver membership.
Seems like I'm buying all these things, just to get the points !
Number of points depends on the category of the race. The points are a bit pointless in XC, I think the only advantage is getting gridded higher up the field in some of Regional/National races, so you may not want to worry too much about them until you start placing quite well.
Which race are you entering out of interest?
Here is the allocation key:
Licence Points are awarded as follows:
International A Olympic Games, Senior World Championships, Junior World Championships
International B World Cup and Senior Continental Championships; U23 World Championships (XC only);
Junior Continental Championships. Master World Championships
National Double points: National Championships (other than U23 XC), U23 Continental Championships (XC only)
Masters Continental Championships
Single points: BC National Series; National U23 XC Championship. Other UCI classified events at elite level
Regional A Double points: Regional Championships
Single points: Designated Regional Series events; Sport race at National XC Championships;
Regional B Single points: Other Regional level ranking events; Short Course DH events
Regional C Single points: Eligible Short Course XC events
Cross Country notes
1: Where separate races/starts are arranged, points are awarded to riders of both genders in each of the following categories: juvenile, youth, junior, senior - elite, senior - expert, senior - sport, master (30-39), veteran (40-49); grand veteran (50+). Ranking points are not awarded for single speed category races.
2: For National Senior Championships, National Under 23 Championships, and for Regional B & C events where senior riders are amalgamated into one race, only one set of points will be awarded. The ability categories will not be split out, but riders will receive points in their own ability category. *The National Under-23 Championships will carry double points at the Regional A level.
Downhill notes
For the National Championships, Expert and Elite are combined as one category (Senior Championships), but will be split out for points so that the top 40 Elites and top 40 Experts all receive points. All senior category riders wishing to gain ranking points must race the Senior Non Championships race.
Ranking Points Table
Position International National Regional A Regional B Regional C
1st 300 150 60 40 20
2nd 260 125 50 34 18
3rd 230 110 45 30 16
4th 210 100 40 26 14
5th 200 90 36 23 12
6th 190 80 32 20 10
7th 180 70 28 18 9
8th 170 65 26 16 8
9th 160 60 24 14 7
10th 150 55 22 12 6
11th 140 50 20 10 5
12th 135 47 19 9 4
13th 130 44 18 8 3
14th 125 41 17 7 2
15th 120 38 16 6 1
16th 115 36 15 5
17th 110 34 14 4
18th 105 32 13 3
19th 100 30 12 2
20th 95 28 11 1
21st 90 26 10
22nd 85 24 9
23rd 80 22 8
24th 75 20 7
25th 70 18 6
26th 65 16 5
27th 60 14 4
28th 55 12 3
29th 50 10 2
30th 48 8 1
31st 46 7
32nd 44 6
33rd 42 5
34th 40 4
35th 38 4
36th 36 3
37th 34 3
38th 32 2
39th 30 2
40th 28 1*
41st 26
42nd 24
43rd 23
44th 22
45th 21
46th 20
47th 19
48th 18