A couple of years ago, I bought MS Office 2019, online for £24.99, bargain. It now appears that it may have been not entirely proper. As I discovered when trying to move the suite to a new laptop.
Nowadays, working from home, I use the work Office for most personal things. However, for personal stuff such as bank recons, investment tracking, etc. I do that on my own laptop. After work hours the work laptop is OFF.
Anyway, to the question….. is anyone using one of the free Office alternatives - Open Office, LibreOffice, etc., and how similar is it to the modern MS Office?
I know I can download many varieties, but I’m lazy and looking for a shortcut to the best of the best of the free office suites.😁
Nowadays, working from home, I use the work Office for most personal things. However, for personal stuff such as bank recons, investment tracking, etc. I do that on my own laptop. After work hours the work laptop is OFF.
Anyway, to the question….. is anyone using one of the free Office alternatives - Open Office, LibreOffice, etc., and how similar is it to the modern MS Office?
I know I can download many varieties, but I’m lazy and looking for a shortcut to the best of the best of the free office suites.😁