Mountain Biking Cross Continent

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New Member
I'm turning 18 and finishing 6th form in August and decided a few months ago to cycle around Europe for a few months (I know, cliched), but I would appreciate help for somebody who isn't quite as bike savvy as you lot, to say the least. First and foremost, for the size of the task I am undertaking (80 miles a day for 3 months) do you reckon I need a serious bit of kit to get me through it, or can I get away with a £180 mountain bike?:blush: Before you all snort in derision at me, I'm obviously only working a part time job, so I just want to gauge what I can get away with.Secondly, in terms of cycling with a rucksack, whats the most I can get away with? I was thinking of packing a one man tent, and clothes, along with other obvious smaller essentials, so I'm looking around the 65 litre mark, but I feel like that may just become uncomfortable. Any thoughts, ideas guys? Thanks in advance, George.
That sounds amazing! I'm 18 myself and in the same position just having finished sixth form a few months back. I was also seriously considering this but spent my money inter-railing for a month instead! Aha, one thing I would mention is having been in scouts and done a lot of trekking etc etc myself, a pannier would be favourable over a rucksack, at least in the comfort side of things. Once I have saved enough pennies again I plan to do this also! Just perhaps not for 3 months, that's quite an undertaking! Good luck! And I hope my tiny piece of actually relevant information helped!



Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
You might get a better response to this if you stick it in the touring and expedition board.
As an old git of 51, I don't expect you to take my advice, and I might be wide of the mark in any case - but - 80 miles per day, carrying a rucksack on a MTB? :ohmy:
Put it this way, it wouldn't be me! Not even at 18.
Carrying a rucksack is not something I would like to do for any distance on a bike. It will rub bits you don't want rubbed, and if the weather is hot your back will sweat - a lot.
What you are planning to do sounds great, and I would still love to do similar. I have done short tours, but always with panniers. That is hard enough. A rucksack would just turn it into a nightmare, IMHO. Get some sort of road or touring bike with rack mounts, a set of panniers, and enjoy it :thumbsup:.


Über Member
80 miles per day for 3 months is asking a lot from a £ 180 mountain, bike, I hope it is not full suspension.

depending on your route, you may not need front suspensin forks if sticking on roads. I did trip across spain mostly on roads on a rigid bike that I reckon cost about £ 700 in today money.

you want reliability, you definitely do not want to get stuck in middle of nowhere due to mechanical components failing so choosre your bike carefully.

also you should be looking at panniers, if you cn find a buddy then you can share the wieght of the tent between you - I know I have rear panniers, not sure if I had front ones and vaguely recall having a rucksack but not a huge one. you can now buy rucksacks with mesh backs that keep the bag of your back so are much more comforatble.


New Member
Only just seen these replies, thanks guys! I knew it would be a task in terms of price for a bike that I could afford, so I will have to have a serious look around! In terms of panniers, it shows how much knowledge I have that I had no idea what they were! I just looked around, they look like a seriously good shout, thanks! I'll repost this in the touring and expedition board and I'll see what comes up! Again I really appreciate, all the help.


Bimbleur extraordinaire
Back up north
Hi @Woody44
It's against the rules to post the same thing in different boards. I can move the whole thread into the touring and expedition board if you wish, just let me know.


New Member
Hi @Woody44
It's against the rules to post the same thing in different boards. I can move the whole thread into the touring and expedition board if you wish, just let me know.
Wouldn't want to be breaking any rules already, I'm the new boy^_^. In all seriousness though, my questions here have been answered, I'll set up a new thread with a different focus, because in all honesty, I'm pretty clueless at the moment! Thank you though.
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