Motivation needed !

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Senior Member
i have lost all motivation ....................................:sad:
i had a stomach bug 3 weeks ago and haven't been on my bike since ,i have NO energy whatsoever , i keep setting my alarm clock but turn over when it goes off in the morning. have all the best intentions but they disappear overnight ........ but i really need to get my ass into gear

think i need some multi vitamins :hyper:

Dave 123

Legendary Member
One day you'll be dead....... It'll be even harder then.


Senior Member
lol thanks
im not sure im over this bug fully to be honest struggling to get my ass up for work ! and im usually up and out as my alarm goes off

The Brewer

Shed Dweller
I swear by Berroca, or the similar Tescos own brand multi vits.

This current cold weather doesn't help, its gotta get warm soon


Active Member
i have lost all motivation ....................................:sad:
i had a stomach bug 3 weeks ago and haven't been on my bike since ,i have NO energy whatsoever , i keep setting my alarm clock but turn over when it goes off in the morning. have all the best intentions but they disappear overnight ........ but i really need to get my ass into gear

think i need some multi vitamins :hyper:

Maybe you should not set yourself times and targets to go cycling.
Say for next few weeks just go out when the weathers nice and you feel in the mood.
When i started on my bike it fast became more than a hobby and more of a ritual.
So i took a step back for a week or two and i go cycling now when i want to and i bought a tag along and take little fella too
to be fair probably done more rides that way and i enjoy it more.


68, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
I do about 20-30 long mountain days every year.

I go to bed fully motivated and hyped-up, dead excited.

The alarm goes and I think **** I can't be doing with this.

But.....experience has taught me that if I get out of bed, do the bathroom thing and get the bacon frying I'll soon be as hyped-up as I was the night before.

As #2 really - you're an awful long time dead.


Senior Member
well was up and out at 6.30 this morning ! surprised to see snow on the cars i must say but still managed 9.2 miles in 58 minutes so not as bad as i thought i would be ^_^
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