I got one removed three months ago. Underneath my foot it a bit sensitive now and my foot still aches a little bit but the excruciating nerve pain has gone now thankfully - bike riding or running for anything over half an hour was agony for me. It really depends how large it is - mine was one of the biggest the surgeon had ever seen apparently! If it's not that painful and surgery isn't an option though, wide fitting shoes help, as do metatarsal pads that keep separate the toes and stop them pinching together.
Nope - had it for years but never really had pain there that much until nowI hope you haven't made that fickle mistake I did by googling my symptoms of foot pain?
I did...Mortons Neuroma matched, went to the docs & he told me there was nothing. I went to the hargrove's near me, they got me on the foot arch measurer & sold me a stepped arch insole & robert's my auntie's living lover, pain went away!