Mont Ventoux

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Well-Known Member
Met a chap in the toilet block at Old Hartly campsite at Seaton Sluice, Northumberland. Doesn’t sound too glamorous I realize, but he was a really interesting guy. He told me he was in the gradual process of cycling up the ‘100 Greatest Tour de France Climbs’ culminating with a ride up Mont Ventoux on his 80th birthday. (He’s 75 now.) What a terrific goal he’s set himself.

Is he on here? Does anyone know him? I’d be interested to hear how his quest progresses.

He also recommended I buy Tom Simpson’s biography, ‘Put me back on my bike’, which I did, and am half way through. A fascinating read.
The brother of someone l know married Simpsons widow
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Kilometre nibbler
When I paid my visit to the Grand Colombier earlier this year I was riding with a Belgian friend who fell into conversation with a French guy. I couldn't follow what they were saying but she told me after that the guy in question was in his 80s. He was part of the "Confrière des Fêlés" who helped to organise the closed roads event we were doing. Because of his advanced age he said he was "only" going to do one ascent that day.

At 61 I was the youngster of our party.


Well-Known Member
I knew his dad too, nephews & brother-in-law

Nice one, small world.
Nice one, small world.
3 other 'small(ish) worlds'
1. when my daughter was at senior school, one of her PT tutors was a very good triathlete, & rode the (womens) 2017 Tour de Yorkshire (& I think) competed in triathlons in GB colours?
She was going out with (might still be?) John Tanners son

2. with regard to my name, it always used to cause issues signing in at CX, or MTB, races, with some commenting how I looked older than I was/signing into wrong category, or had I changed clubs?
It didn't help that I also rode a Pace Research RC100 :laugh:
I got to know the other Richard, his brother* & parents
I still count them as friends

3. when I was in a running club, one of the other members was Head of PT, at Bradford Grammar School, & two of his elite pupils had the surname of Brownlee
I ended up speaking to Jonnie, after a fell-race (post London Olympics) & mentioned the fact, he also suggested "it's a small world"

On the work side, I know a couple of the Consultants & some of the Paramedics, that crewed the Yorkshire Air Ambulance (in rotation?, or volunteers?) that was serialised on TV a few years ago, so they were often seen on 'the box'

* Robert was also a damned good CX rider
The pair of them were in the GB junior CX squad, when Hammond won his Gold in the 1992 World Championships at Roundhay Park (Leeds)
Hammond actually stayed with them, the days leading up to the event
Roberts daughter (Sophie) is also a very good CX rider, & also rode that 2017 Tour de Yorkshire
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