Mobil 1 as chainlube?

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New Member
Having recently got back into bikes, my attention has turned to maintenance, I bought one of the Lidl chaincleaners, which seems to have done a decent job, but what to lube with ? previously I had used a household oil which gets very messy, I tried finishline aerosol, but this seems to put far too much on, reading these forums everyone has their own opinions of what works, with what seems like no common agreement? In the corner of the garage, I noticed an old can of Mobil 1 oil, so after drying the chain the best I could, I applied a small amount of the mobil 1 using a drinking straw, then copying the "mickle" method, then wiped most of it on the outside off again.

Just been out now for a short run (bloody wind!!!) and have to say it seemed very smooth with no splatter, so I will monitor this closely and see how it goes, as it is a fraction of the cost (despite using fully synthetic oil!) of traditional chain lubes, anyone else tried this?


I always use engine lube...
Get yourself a little oilcan, you can apply it a lot easier to each roller (just a drop on each roller is all thats required). I apply, spin the cranks slowly to get it into the rollers, let it sit then wipe off.
Ive found no difference between Finish Line lubes and normal engine oil. Yes it splatters if you dont wipe off the excess, yes you do get a reasonable amount of oil on one particular cog and it does drip slightly as gravity drags the excess downwards....but otherwise, its cheap and effective (IME)


Engine lube is designed for very high temperatures. I suspect the viscosity is a little thick for bike chains, but at the end of the day unless you are racing/time trialling I can't see that it wouldn't be a suitable alternative.


New Member
Mobil 1 is 0w-40 so at cold temperatures is pretty viscous. must admit in use seems smooth enough (which I supose could be as it is slightly more viscous than other lubes?)
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