Mavic Rims and Gatorskins

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I am struggling with Gatorskins, even when using talc, in the effort to fit the final 2/3 cms of tyre.

All suggestions will be appreciated re
  1. technique
  2. alternative similar (sportive but not out and out racing) tyre with reasonable p******* protection and all round performance


How much does it cost to Oldham?
Bit of washing up liquid?


And from experience, make sure the innertube at the valve is pressed firmly in to the tire, first time I did it I pumped it up to find the innertube didn't sit properly and managed to pop out from between my tire and rim


Legendary Member
Chandler's Ford
Mavic rims are amongst the "easiest" rims to fit tyres to.
Continental tyres are amongst the "hardest" to fit on any rim.

My tryre suggestion would have been Michelin Krylion as alternative, I've been running the 25mm version for a long time with very very few punctures: maybe 2 in 5000km life.
Michelin have brought out a replacement for this called the Pro4 Endurance. Should be good, but too new to be sure.
I had a Gatorskin on my old Aksiums and a borrowed wheel and never had a problem fitting them and I've not got the strongest of fingers/ arms :blush: I'd say its more down to technique. Start at the valve working your way round and it'll pop in if it doesn't you may have to go round again (making sure the tyre is seated right) and if it still wont go in do not be scared to have a break (make a cup of tea etc) and come back to it later following the same technique. If you use a tyre lever there's a good chance of pinching the tube so its best avoided.


Dog on a bike
If you use a tyre lever there's a good chance of pinching the tube so its best avoided.
Everyone keeps telling me this but it's never happened to me yet. I use very wide tyre levers (about an inch), I can't remember what they are called but they fit onto the rim and the tyre just slides off into the rim. The levers were sold to me as unbreakable as I kept snapping the usual nylon plastic ones.


well, thanks for yr responses everybody and FWIW here is my counter-response
  1. washup liquid - never tried but seems both practical and plausible
  2. tyre lever - this is contrary to received wisdom but why not if one checks that the tube is clear of the tyre bead
  3. taking a break - is effective but not appreciated by group members
In future I will try liquid and if that fails the lever and check for trapped tube. No suggestions re alternative tyre so far!


Just push bead in to the middle of the rim (which is deeper) starting opposite the last section you need to shove in. this gives you lots of slack that you need to pull round to where it's needed. Like in that video :smile:
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