Hi, I am hoping that I can get some help here.
I purchased this bike approx one month ago. The right hand pedal does not screw in to the crank arm (I think it's called). It is definitely the correct pedal as the left one is in correctly. It looks like there is a problem with the threading on the right crank arm. It looks slightly damaged. So the pedal does not screw in.
Would you know of a solution for this at all? I have looked in lots of places online and have found nothing. Would I need to buy a new crank arm?
I have contacted the seller, long story short, I got a refund, but got to keep the bike! So, I really want to fix it if I am able too!
I purchased this bike approx one month ago. The right hand pedal does not screw in to the crank arm (I think it's called). It is definitely the correct pedal as the left one is in correctly. It looks like there is a problem with the threading on the right crank arm. It looks slightly damaged. So the pedal does not screw in.
Would you know of a solution for this at all? I have looked in lots of places online and have found nothing. Would I need to buy a new crank arm?
I have contacted the seller, long story short, I got a refund, but got to keep the bike! So, I really want to fix it if I am able too!