I downloaded it yesterday, looking for a desktop mapping package which was cheaper than Memorymap. So far I quite like it and certainly the maps are cheaper than Memorymap and more flexible in what you can buy as you can buy specific map tiles rather than whole maps.
It's here http://www.mapyx.com/
Who uses it, anyone? Just wanted to know any upsides/downsides compare to other packages. Downsides I can see so far include, as usual, you can't export the maps to another GPS device apart from their own, there isn't an Android platfrom, it's a bit buggy sometimes and crashes but recovers fine, Waypoints work as a series, rather than individually but apart from that I like the look of it and none of them are show stoppers for me.
It's here http://www.mapyx.com/
Who uses it, anyone? Just wanted to know any upsides/downsides compare to other packages. Downsides I can see so far include, as usual, you can't export the maps to another GPS device apart from their own, there isn't an Android platfrom, it's a bit buggy sometimes and crashes but recovers fine, Waypoints work as a series, rather than individually but apart from that I like the look of it and none of them are show stoppers for me.