FNRttC Manchester-Blackpool FNRttC 3rd June, 2022.

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Sunny Radcliffe
Driest, clearest Manchester to Blackpool yet. I went through a bad patch from Ribchester to Longridge. No idea what the problem was. I recovered after the catch up stop then went downhill again just before the Wyre crossing. I was grateful for the brief stop there to eat a little and shed a layer. Must be an age thing, "I'm a pensioner you know"
Train home was another Northern Fail shambles, the conductor said it was scheduled to be 6 carriages but it was only 3. As it was going to Manchester Airport you can imagine how many families with luggage were crammed in. :eek::wacko:.

Photo quiz time, where in the world? Answers by post only, please enclose £5.00 entry fee.





How much does it cost to Oldham?
Driest, clearest Manchester to Blackpool yet. I went through a bad patch from Ribchester to Longridge. No idea what the problem was. I recovered after the catch up stop then went downhill again just before the Wyre crossing. I was grateful for the brief stop there to eat a little and shed a layer. Must be an age thing, "I'm a pensioner you know"
Train home was another Northern Fail shambles, the conductor said it was scheduled to be 6 carriages but it was only 3. As it was going to Manchester Airport you can imagine how many families with luggage were crammed in. :eek::wacko:.

Photo quiz time, where in the world? Answers by post only, please enclose £5.00 entry fee.

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Middle one's the bottom of my road.
Do you have a route map?
Andrew Br

Andrew Br

Still part of the team !
I'll post this on yACF as well.
Photos to come I hope.

Apologies for the length of time it's taken me to write this; I'm not sure if it's down to how busy I've been lately or simply that there isn't much material.
A ride that goes perfectly to plan doesn't generate much copy.....
This ride did go exactly as I planned it to and I'd like to thank everyone who came along for their humour, company and competence.

My evening got off to a good start when I set off to meet the Chorlton(CH) Massive and the weather was as forecast; warm(ish) and dry.

AnnW (on her first FNRttC) and DaveL (on at least his 2nd MCR-BPool, this would be drier than his 1st) arrived well before the arranged meeting time and we picked up DickB (his 2nd MCR-BPool, his 1st being the really wet and windy one) en route to Victoria.
MarkD (his 1st Northern FNRttC) and Domus (part of the Chorlton(CH) Massive Northern chapter and a veteran regular FNRttCer) were already there and Zee (his 2nd MCR-BPool) arrived soon after we did so, following a short "safety" briefing where I forgot to mention several things that I had to announce later, we set off. It didn't matter about the missed announcements though, everyone knew the score. It was about 23.45 so ahead of schedule.

I had a couple of dodgy navigation calls as we negotiated the centre of England's premier city but it didn't cost us any time or distance and, for the first time on this ride, we were able to go through Kersal Wetlands; it's more spectacular in daylight (great view of the city centre) but for us it saved some on-road riding.

The Big Lights were used for the first time through Prestwich Forest Park and we encountered our first hill as we climbed up to Prestwich. Then there was the schlep along the A56 to Bury and a stop to get ready for the climbing that was to come and, more importantly, to remember alans/jogler and to leave flowers.

After that, there was the drag up to Tottington then over the hill to the Ramsbottom-Bolton road where I made the customary warning about the dips that lay between us and Edgworth. Again, the advice was heeded and we regrouped before the long (signature ?) climb onto the moors.

From recent experience, I know that this climb is better done in the dark. Not because there's less traffic but because it's not as easy to see how much further up you have to go. The opinions of the others in the group might not agree with mine; they could probably see my rear lights above them..........

Everybody seemed to be climbing well since there were only short waits at the two regrouping stops (including another health and safety warning) before we set off down the Grane Road to Shadsworth and then Whitebirk for the food stop. We arrived bang on our early schedule at 02.45 as I'd anticipated/hoped.

At some point I'm going to try to set off one of the speed cameras between Shadsworth and Intack..........

We had a leisurely and good natured stop because we were on/ahead of schedule and were likely to arrive well before the 'Spoons opened for breakfast. I didn't have anything to eat (diet dontcha know ?) but I did have two cups of coffee: £6.20 ! Hope I don't sound too much like a tight-arsed audaxer......

Back on the bikes as it was beginning to get light and we set off through what remained of Blackburn before the lovely descent to Ribchester. I love riding down hills; I hate climbing them but, again, the group arrived in Longridge in good style and short time although Domus seemed to be going through a bad patch.

After Longridge it was a swoopy ride through the undulating lanes and we rode pretty much as a group with a couple of regrouping stops after I zoomed off the front because I knew the roads.

Over the M6, the route was as flat as the proverbial billiard table so we made good progress to the Shard Bridge. There, we had a prolonged photo and rest stop because, again, we were likely to get to Blackpool too early.

The newly devised route towards Blackpool Prom worked well despite the roadworks on one of the major roundabouts and we got to the sea without any drama.

The sand washed onto the path wasn't pleasant to negotiate but everyone coped well. More of a problem (as it later transpired) was the amount of glass on the path.

We got to Blackpool Tower at about 07.15, 45 minutes before the 'Spoons opened but who cared ? MarkD said his farewells and pedalled off to meet his brother for breakfast and the rest of us headed to our breakfast venue to wait. During the wait, Zee realised he'd got a puncture probably caused by the glass we'd encountered earlier. He fixed it very quickly and we still had some time before we could get breakfast. During this time, several “regulars” turned up and parked themselves right in front of the entrance. Clearly they were hungrier than us !

When the doors opened there was a mini stampede to the bar while the Friday's group ambled to the tables nearest the door (from where we could see the bikes) and decided what to eat and drink.

Sadly (at least as I was concerned) they didn't serve beer until 09.00 so I made do with breakfast before AnnW, DaveL, Zee and I headed to Blackpool North Station for trains to MCR. We caught the Northern service destined for Hazel Grove while DickB waited with Domus who was booked on a later train to MCR Airport.

Our journey was calm and stress free on a relatively empty train but theirs was more difficult because the train was packed and there were lots of bags. Top tip from DickB: if you're travelling with a bike and you're able to, avoid the airport trains !

Back in MCR, our group said their farewells and AnnW and I cycled back to Chorlton(CH) and then on to our respective homes.

I then did a few errands on the bike before heading into Urmston for a beer. I felt I had to make up for missing out earlier.

Thanks again to everyone who were able to make the ride. You were fabulous company and you helped to make the ride so easy to run. I really appreciate that.

One of the best editions of this ride ? Undoubtedly. The great weather and lack of “incidents” contributed to that as did the lovely people in the group.

Best edition ? No, I think it was shaded by last year when we were able to get the Knott End-Fleetwood ferry, “incident” notwithstanding.

Next year folks: you know you want to.


  • 22-06-03 EG food break Man-BPool.jpg
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  • 22-06-03 Man-BPool FNRttC Bury stop to remember Alan.jpg
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  • 22-06-03 Man-BPool FNRttC canal.jpg
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  • 22-06-03 Shard Bridge Man-BPool FNRttC.jpg
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  • 22-06-03 Tower Man-BPool FNRttC.jpg
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  • 22-06-04 Northern Rail bikes.jpg
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  • 22-06-03 Flowers for Alan.jpeg
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