Making drugs legal in cycling

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New Member
I could live to regret this post...

What about making drugs legal in cycling? If everyone is on the sauce then surely it levels the playing field in that respect?

PS...This is just a thought!


Legendary Member
And which parent would encourage their child to go into a sport where the very substances they would need to take to be competitive would cut 20-30 years off their lives? Result? No bikes bought for kids and no pro cycling in 5-10 years time.

Jonathan M

New Member
And some teams would go for the cheapest "pile 'em high, sell 'em cheap" sort of dealer, or skimp on hygiene, meaning Hep B or potentially HIV infection through sections of the pro-peloton. Or another team would have "last yeasr" drugs, meaning they are not as competitive as the other team with "this years" drugs. As well as Pauls comments above.

Nope, the use of drugs within cycling has to stop, even down to the sunday cyclist who fools himself that a couple of squirts of ventolin will help him get up that hill. Level the playing field, no doping, personal strength & training only.


Well-Known Member
Losidan said:
I could live to regret this post...

What about making drugs legal in cycling? If everyone is on the sauce then surely it levels the playing field in that respect?

PS...This is just a thought!

OH Dear:sad: Bad thought:sad:


New Member
Waste of time.

I've tried cycling back from the pub after a night on the sauce - not performance enhancing at all.


Just looking at the number of fit, young cyclists who have died in the middle of the night from heart attacks should tell you that this is not a good idea.

They couldn't all have had heart conditions.


Active Member
East Yorks
Is ventolin not alowed even if you are asthmatic??

Skip Madness

New Member
A rider can get a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) for any medicine they require which is on the banned list, so ventolin would be OK for an asthmatic - although there are still legal limits as to how much you can have in your body, which is where Alessandro Petacchi slipped up eighteen months ago. I think it was salbutamol for him, though.


Active Member
Salbutamol is the chemical, Ventolin is a Trade Mark of Allen&Hanburys. It'd have to be a massive amount of the stuff to have a recognisible impact, most doses in inhalers are minute!

I agree with everyone else though, a drugs based sport would be entirely about the money and I don't think many would want to take part. It wouldn't so much as level the playing field as move it to another field.

Skip Madness

New Member
Fantus said:
Salbutamol is the chemical, Ventolin is a Trade Mark of Allen&Hanburys. It'd have to be a massive amount of the stuff to have a recognisible impact, most doses in inhalers are minute!
This was Petacchi's argument - that he must have had one puff too many without thinking about it which put him slightly over the legal limit, but that it wouldn't even have had any performance-enhancing effect. The courts actually accepted that, too... but they still banned him for four months.


New Member
and who would sponser the teams...the tours... imagine the companys adverts, columbia, proud sponser of that drugged up cycling team

it would never work, and will never happen...

Priscilla Parsley

New Member
ha ha i thought this post funny, Elvis often laments that there should be a seperate high performance olympics, a pub conversation though, not a serious proposal, surely?

Tim Bennet.

Entirely Average Member
S of Kendal
If you had two race series (drugged and drug free), the doped up riders wouldn't want to join the drugged series.

They don't take drugs because they like taking drugs, they take them because it gives them an advantage. They cheat because it allows them to beat the clean riders.

They would only maintain that advantage by joining the 'clean' series, whilst continuing to cheat by taking their performance enhancing drugs. Therefore the 'clean series' would still have exactly the same problems as now and there would be no one in the drugged series.
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