Maintaining Enthusiasm?

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I think my big problem is the fact that I have to cycle alone because of the odd hours I work. I get very few weekends off, and since I start work around midnight I usually find myself getting ready to go out around 2pm ish. This means I inevitably hit the bloody school run, and I've already been up for 16 hours so feel knackered before I start.
I've seen big improvements over a relatively short period, and I find that using Strava to keep track of Personal Bests, total weekly mileage, targets etc helps a lot. But not having a cycling "buddy" means I don't have that support or competition that would keep me going.
Any suggestions as to how I can keep my motivation going? I always start off keen, watch the PB's tumble for a few weeks and then it starts to fizzle out. I'm 52 and no athlete, so maybe I'm expecting too much. But I'd love to be able to keep that initial enthusiasm going throughout the whole year. Maybe I left it too late?


Legendary Member
Can't you commute on the bike?


Senior Member
It's a frame of mind i find myself creating my own challenges in my head as I cycle along like trying to beat the car behind me at the lights for a bit. I also do things like try beat my strava pb each day on each segment. I put music on too helps a lot.keep it low so I can still hear cars though or use the one earphone. Starting to change my route up a bit this week too for different challenges.


Senior Member
It was also chucking it down today but I kept going. At one point I thought today was a car day and then I told myself I would t get fit sitting behind my steering wheel it kept me pushing.
I just make sure that the car is not available (easily done in our case because we only have the 1 and my OH uses it for work) and that I have commitments to keep. So like today when I didn't sleep very well again overnight and really wanted to lie in, I had already made a commitment to be over at my parents' home to help them out. that's 43 miles taken care of as a round trip. I'm back again there tomorrow and Saturday and then have my OH on Sunday who will probably want to get his once a month +100km ride in for August... Next week will be another matter entirely. My OH is away for 2 nights and I'm not sure my parents need me over - so I may go over to see my Grandfather instead - that's around a 125km or 77 mile ride.

But I do find it difficult sometimes to find a reason to get out. Earlier this week was an example of that, I have had 3 days off the bike as a result.

Finding a reason to go out other than for the shear sake of it is usually the best way of maintaining 'enthusiasm' at least for me.

Peter Cairns

Senior Member
As said above, having only one car helps you decide to cycle more. I'm 54 and for 8 years I have nearly always riden solo. I try to commute 8 miles each way for as much of the year as i can. I dont really chase pb's but do try and push for more distance, maybe one day I will go for a big cycling journey. I listen to the radio often with one nearside earpiece , I tend to enjoy talk radio shows mainly.
Maybe you could get a cycling buddy on strava, someone from your area that you could compete with, that would be a start.
I also use Strava for data logging mileage.


68, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Well it's never too late in life to keep fit!

As already said - why do you ride?

Me? I just do it to try to keep my ageing body chugging along - and that is my motivation.

I also 'keep it real'. 2-3 short rides a week averaging 2000 miles for the year is more than enough for me.

Not a high mileage for sure and there are times when I struggle to get kitted up and set off - for me cycling is not exactly exciting. It doesn't blow my socks off!

I think that if I was Strava obsessed, PB obsessed and indeed cycling obsessed I would find the pressure to keep riding day after day and constantly improving my performance to be counter-productive.

Just chill out and find a way to fit a sensible workload into the rest of your life. Once your riding fits comfortably in with your lifestyle it gathers its own momentum - or at least it does for me.


Can't you commute on the bike?
The commute would be 25 miles each way. Also though it would include the Dartford Tunnel! All good advice though. and I do think you have a popint, Spokey. Perhaps the pressure of constantly trying to beat PB's and distances can be counter productive.
@Louie thats peanuts to @Supersuperleeds but then he is a nutter ;).
I don't work so motivation is difficult, I sort of set lose goals the strava monthly one is quite good but difficult if you don't have the time or have just started cycling, or set your own say 400 miles for the month and do it, I needed to do 25Km yesterday I didn't really fancy going out, but I did, I did 50Km in almost the best time of the month whats more it rained, only the second time this month.


@Louie I know people who do commute through the Dartford tunnel by bike.;) You and the bike get carried across for free. Although a commute of 25 miles each way would be a bit much for me.
I do a 21 mile each way domestic commute 2 or 3 times a week... I try to make sure I get a rest day between the 2nd and 3rd times, though this week that isn't going to happen but it isn't too bad (she say's eye'ing up full waterproofs for today's ride.... :rain:)


+1 to the suggestions of cycling to get somewhere (even if it's only coffee and cake at a nice cafe).

Have you looked around for a local group who do rides outside of weekends and evenings? I assume you live in Kent or Essex, so did a quick Google and came up with Local bike shops, councils and Sky Ride website may also be sources of info.


Thanks for all the chat!
I bought the bike (Merida Pro Lite 900) primarily to try and get a bit fitter! I have thought about joining a local club, but once again the job isn't helpful. If they meet up in the morning I'll still be at work, and in the afternoon I'll have been up for 14 - 15 hours before setting off!
The rides I enjoy most are when I set off at about 4 a.m on my days off. No (Or very little) traffic and nothing to hear but my own gasping and a bit of birdsong!!
I guess I really need to find someone about my own age and ability to bounce off each other. Could be difficult, but I shall start looking I think.
In some respects, you are fortunate to be able to ride at 04.00 on your days off - this is a great time to ride!

Have you considered going for a ride before work, instead of after? Less traffic and usually leaves you in a good frame of mind. You will need some lights though!
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