Made it into Cycling plus :D

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Senior Member
Just recieved my subscription of Cycling plus today (October issue) to find my email named as the start letter :biggrin:

£180 worth of Shutt VR Gear is soon to be heading my way :biggrin: good times



Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Nice !


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Nice !

I got am email from the editor because i made a comment on bike radar about how they concentrate to much on office workers and do not have advice for training for manual/shift workers.

He actually asked what i thought should be covered so i gave him a lsit of stuff ranging from sleep deprivation to fitting in meaningful sessions on a small window of opportunity and maintaining energy levels .


Senior Member
Wot was your letter about Andy? Im in France and getting a copy of the mag is not gonna be too easy for a couple of weeks!


The general gist of the letter was ' I think it is easy to always look foward , wishing you were better, feeling disheartened about your ability. But now and again take time to reflect on where you were six months ago to realise how much you really have progressed!'

TBH couldn't have come at a better time, all my gear is starting to wear out so i'm desperatly in need of some new gear :biggrin:

well pleased


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Senior Member
Dont forget the pics when the goodies come!

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