Lycra: an observation

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West Somerset
Today's club ride was long, hilly and very sweaty. Following some of the guys, I have come to the conclusion that, aside from comfort, there is one major difference between cheap(er) cycling shorts and the more expensive versions:-

Crack visibility

:eek: :eek: :eek:
Too much information.
they are not called ASSos for nothing you know


To say or not to say, THAT is the question. :biggrin:

I caught up and followed for a minute or so a lady on a road bike and considered mentioning her lycra visibilty issue to her. I wasn't sure because some people don't want you to help them.

I got home and asked Mrs Z whether I should or shouldn't. There was no doubt in her answer, NEVER say anything, to a female at least.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
To say or not to say, THAT is the question. :biggrin:

I caught up and followed for a minute or so a lady on a road bike and considered mentioning her lycra visibilty issue to her. I wasn't sure because some people don't want you to help them.

I got home and asked Mrs Z whether I should or shouldn't. There was no doubt in her answer, NEVER say anything, to a female at least.

Was your third leg slowing you down :tongue:

I would go with the never as god forbid the cyclist might think you were staring at her posterior and call you a perv or her linebacker built significant other .......
Today's club ride was long, hilly and very sweaty. Following some of the guys, I have come to the conclusion that, aside from comfort, there is one major difference between cheap(er) cycling shorts and the more expensive versions:-

Crack visibility

:eek: :eek: :eek:

Just to lower the tone a little bit further, with a second major difference..... and I give the example of a work colleague wearing cheapies..... "pubic hair penetration" !!

Not a pretty sight :ohmy:


Firm and Fruity
This time of year with the sun low in the sky and shining on the back can create the perfect conditions for lycra to go see through.

The other day I was following what I thought to be a man judging by the height and build, as I got a bit closer I could see the the lycra shorts were wearing a little thin and saw this "man" was wearing a G string!!! I was still convinced the cyclist in front was a man, so had to overtake to make sure it was a woman!! I wasnt brave enough to tell her that her shorts were as thin as net curtains!
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