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Well having read plenty on this forum I'm quite pleased by the way I'm treated on the road.

I started cycling in May and other than a few very mild situations the worst being a woman that overtook me to turn left just after (required mild braking) I've been really pleased by the space given and way that people treat me. OK I live in a semi rural area on the edge of The Mendips so its not exactly big city cycling but none the less.....

My confidence on the road and positioning has improved (quickly) which may have helped but generally drivers seem considerate and know how to behave safely around cyclists.

Maybe I've been lucky in the last few months and I don't want to tempt fate but having read some of the horror stories here I expected to be more defensive with my cycling than I've had to be so far.


Senior hunter
That's all very well. But DON"T let your guard down. ALL motor vehicles -- even those driven by "considerate" folks -- represent your potential demise.


Well-Known Member
My rides are nowhere near as horrific as the stories in the commuting forum here either and the vast majority of drivers are very considerate. There's always a few though, you have to stay sharp to account for them at all times.


Cycle Camera TV
South Croydon
Think about how many cars are in city's in london, and how many overtake a single cyclists per journey, the number of inconsiderate drivers is probably similar, it's just there are more events due to the larger number of cars.


Rider of Seolferwulf
South London
colinr said:
My rides are nowhere near as horrific as the stories in the commuting forum here either and the vast majority of drivers are very considerate. There's always a few though, you have to stay sharp to account for them at all times.

Neither are most of mine, but then once in a while something will happen. Given some 6,500 miles in a year, that's pretty big exposure. Then multiply that by all the many many people in communting, and you'll bound to get stories of lots of incidents. The important thing to remember is that they are fairly rare on an individual basis.


Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
I think your location may have something to do with it, I find that some areas are far worst than other when it come to incompetent inconsiderate drivers. Hope your luck continues...


Last of the Summer Winos
I seldom have problems on the road...

But then I take the approach that all vehicles are driven by blind idiots who want to kill me.......


New Member
I live in the countryside and have never had any problems of road rage on the roads but i have to say it is often tough when driving to give the amount of space i would like to riders on the tight roads. Have never riding i a city before, but will have to next year at uni in Liverpool I'm sure i'll experience another side to the argument! The sheer number of cars raises the likelihood of coming across a dick. At the moment when out riding i see fewer than 100 cars on a 40 miler.


Senior hunter
Kestevan said:
But then I take the approach that all vehicles are driven by blind idiots who want to kill me.......

A singularly sane approach to cycling.

darkstar said:
The sheer number of cars raises the likelihood of coming across a dick.

The number of cars, nor the "dick" quotient has much of a bearing on the danger posed to cyclists by motor vehicles. As I have learned painfully, all you need is one inattentive driver in a big truck and you're in deep trouble.

Follow the Kestevan Protocol.


New Member
well of course the number of cars increases the likelihood of coming across a dangerous, inattentive, rude or down right awful driver.


Senior hunter
darkstar said:
well of course the number of cars increases the likelihood of coming across a dangerous, inattentive, rude or down right awful driver.

Sure, statistically, but the point I'm trying to make is that it only takes one and that can happen in the middle of a crowded London roundabout at rush hour, or on a remote, narrow country road in Shropshire.

Don't let your guard down anywhere. Don't rely on luck.


New Member
Randochap said:
Sure, statistically, but the point I'm trying to make is that it only takes one and that can happen in the middle of a crowded London roundabout at rush hour, or on a remote, narrow country road in Shropshire.

Don't let your guard down anywhere. Don't rely on luck.
Very true, never thought of it that way. I suppose i will carry on as i am, keep attentive and ride in single file!


New Member
my house
Randochap said:
it only takes one and that can happen in the middle of a crowded London roundabout at rush hour, or on a remote, narrow country road in Shropshire.

Don't let your guard down anywhere. Don't rely on luck.

In fact, country roads and sideroads seem to lull everyone into a false sense of security - drivers as well as cyclists - so people seem to drive less carefully as a result. If it's a proper congested urban road then more people take more care.
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