Low blood count...

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New Member
I had a blood test a couple of weeks ago that came back with a hemoglobin level of 11.7 and has been this level for the last year or so.

Now the normal levels are:

Women: 12.1 to 15.1 gm/dl
Men: 13.8 to 17.2 gm/dl

I'm a bloke and my levels are worse that a woman's and before I go see my consultant 1st week of Jan I was wondering just how much my reading will affect my performance levels and if I should push him into giving me something. I have noticed that when I hit the hills it doesn't take long for me to tire and the most I can do out of the saddle is 30 seconds.

Any inputs?

ps I'm not into racing just putting the miles in at an average of 14-15mph and usually 30-40 miles at a go...


looking on the bright side ... if you get EPO on prescription .. yu'll be quids in on the hills!
let us know what the doc says

Jonathan M

New Member
I've found the book "Bicycling Medicine" by Arnie Baker (ISBN 0-684-84443-5) useful in providing basic info about health & cycling issues.

Dr Baker suggests that while straightforward iron deficiency anaemia is the commonest cause, any anaemia should be investigated. I assume you've tried uping your intake of iron containing foods and vitamin B12/folic acid?


New Member
Yes I do take iron supplements in the form of tablets and eat iron rich foods but I did have chronic renal failure that lead up to a kidney transplant 3 yrs ago, naturally the production of red blood cells is all do with kidney function and whilst I do have adequate kidney function it's not top notch. I have been on EPO when I was on dialysis and before I took up cycling but not since my transplant. My consultant has ummed/arred before about putting me on something but with cycling becoming an important part of my life I do think I need to push my consultant into action, but only to increase my RBC to bring it into a normal range....


New Member
Just a quick update, I went to see my consultant and I was prepared to having to argue my point for treatment but all I had to say was 'I'm a cyclist' and he said 'so you get out of breath easily' and he agreed to start me off on iron tablets and be referred to the anemia nurse who last time I saw her when I was on dialysis had me on a ferritin drip and EPO. So I'm getting there...


New Member
I don't have any intentions of competing, that's not my interest in cycling, I prefer Sportive type rides where you will be pushed and challenged but can enjoy the scenery at the same time. The only thing I want the medical profession to do is put me in the same ball park as the average Joe so I can train and ride the rides without keeling over from exhaustion.

That is an interesting article and I know that my consultants are aware of the risks when it comes to EPO and are reluctant to prescribe unless the anemia situation absolutely warrants it. I expect that I will be on a ferritin drip first with EPO being the last resort, I've been there before so know what to expect and just hope that's the answer to my problems. I don't know what my haematocrit level is but thats something I can ask at my next test.



Cycling in the sun
Having been pregnant and low iron levels I can sympathise (?spelling), its not a great feeling. After that particular baby was born ... he turned into a child who put everything in his mouth - including coal, snails etc... even the health visitor said she had only seen one child like it before and that one had a low iron count. So he had a blood test at about 6/7 months and his level was 2.5 IIRC. He was then on liquid ferritin for the next year or more.


New Member
I do hope he is better now?

Jonathan M, I rang my docs up and got some more blood figures namely Haemocrit at 0.34 and RBC 3.81. I take it that my Haemocrit reading of 0.34 is 34% so I defo need a little help seing as normal values are:

Haemocrit - Adult males: 42%-54% - Adult women: 38%-46%
Red Blood Cell Count (RBC) 4.2 - 6.9 million/µL/cu mm.

Jonathan M

New Member
Some way to go Marko to get up to the average Joe level, if they do offer some EPO then from your medical history and those bloods it would be justifiable!

Good luck & take care!
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