Loose bottom bracket?

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Chris S

Legendary Member
I own a 1970s Raleigh Sturmey Archer 3-speed. It's possible to rock the crank arms 2-3mm. Am I correct in thinking that the bottom bracket needs tightening up?

I'm a bit reluctant to buy tools that I will hardly ever use so is it possible to do this with an adjustable spanner once the crank arms have been removed? (crank pullers are a lot cheaper than bottom bracket spanners)

Also, do most square taper cranks use the same size thread and puller?


If all you want to do is to take out the play, assuming it is a BB with loose balls and not a sealed unit, you can do it quite easily without removing the cranks. Simply slacken the locking ring with a c spanner, pipe wrench or even a drift and a hammer, then tighten the cup to remove play in the BB then retighten the lock ring. You can strip the bottom bracket whilst leaving the fixed cup in situ. If you want to remove the BB to inspect the balls, or replace them, then the cranks will need to come off obviously. Pretty well all cranks use the same threads so a standard extractor will be OK. Have you considered fitting, or having fitted, a sealed unit. Fit and forget for a long time.


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
If all you're after is tightening it, then a drift and hammer is all you need, as chillyuk says.
Did this with a colleagues bike recently - it only took a few minutes.
I also ran some oil in - Mickle will probably have something to say on this, but I didn't have a crank extractor with me, or I'd have stripped the BB and regreased the bearings.
Chris S

Chris S

Legendary Member
Thanks for the replies - I've just noticed that the BB threads are covered in paint so I'll probably have to remove he crank arms off to clean it off. There isn't a lockring either - there's not enough thread sticking out to put one. Maybe it's a Raleigh proprietary BB that's been bodged!
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