Looking Behind.

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Well-Known Member
Chorley, Lancs
I realise this is a very basic question bit I am a novice, an older one at that. I cant seem to gather much information when looking over my shoulder and end up having to do so several times. Its almost as though I cant get my head round far enough for a clear view. Are there any helpful techniques other than taking one hand of the bars or is it just something that takes a bit off getting used to?


Well-Known Member
You may not be as flexible as you'd like to be, otherwise it's just a matter of getting used to it and your 'spidey-sense' will improve as you get more experienced.

If you have real trouble with looking back you can always fit a mirror to your bars or your helmet if you wear one.



Post of The Year 2009 winner
Bromley, Kent
Shop windows are quite useful, as are shadows, beam patterns, any kind of audio, etc.
Oncoming drivers frequently respond in a different way if there's something on your tail too. Sometimes, if something is following really close, they'll even give you right of way. :wacko:


My Armchair
handlebar mirror for me,enables you to keep a constant check on whats going on behind,just have a quick look over shoulder when you are moving out/turning right.


I find leaning my head forward then looking over the right shoulder gives a pretty good view. If I want a good look or want to make it bleedin' obvious I'm looking I'll drop the right hand off the bars, sit up and turn round. You need to be sure you can keep the bike travelling on the same line with this though, so practice.


Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
A technique when you want to look behind without making it obvious is to lean your head forward and look under you armpit...


Active Member
I find the handlebar mirrors vibrate a lot and really distort the image reflected. I am going to give the Bike Eye a try when I get round to it.


Lover of things that come in 3's
it does get easier, I used to find it really hard but I also struggled to take a hand off the bars etc. Practice and knowing your flexibility limits, amazingly easy to veer off line if you get too cocky:biggrin:

on the road

Über Member
Maybe you are trying to look too far behind you? You only need to turn your head round a bit, then look out the corner of your eye.


Rollon said:
Its almost as though I cant get my head round far enough for a clear view.
This is an age thing as well - there is definitely less movement in my neck nowadays and every year or so I have to go to the physio to have it freed off.

I know some people recommend looking under your armpit, but I find that absolutely hopeless. You get a very restricted view and it's difficult to interpret. Ditto mirrors.

Best bet is just to look round over your shoulder, taking one hand off the bars if necessary. This does come with practice. It's important IME to look once when you plan your manoeuvre and again just before you do it, in case you have missed something. Briefly stop pedalling if that helps.


New Member
Careful when u look round, my dad did this to see where I was, hit a pothole, fell off, snapped his arm in half (ouch!) and had to hav an operation and was in hospital fr 3 days and plaster for 10 weeks AND still can't bend his arm properly 6 months later!
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