Look Mum, no Lawyers Lips

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Stubborn git
I think that guys done a few variations of this clip.

Still great to watch


I used to be against lawyers lips until .....

Rode one of our evening 10's a few years ago and all round the course, my front wheel was making a strange rattling noise.

Got back safely, but on examination realised that my QR hadn't been tightened fully!


Firm and Fruity
Once you have total control of the wheelie, the only real variable is the barrel bouncing.

But it’s still miles beyond what I could ever manage.
On one of my previous bikes I was side swiped by a driver when the bike was only a few months old. They managed to smash my front wheel out of the frame. That ripped out the lawyer lips. The bike went onto do over 40,000miles and I never really missed them, if anything it was a benefit. However, my TT bike which is regularly in the back of the car, necessitating front wheel removal, and quite a few times I've been in the middle of a TT before I've realised I have forgotten to tighten the front skewer 🤦‍♂️
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