Little and often - better than one big ride a week?

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Legendary Member
I worked mornings only last week to use up some holiday and spend the afternoons with Gti Junior once he emerged from bed. We were able to get out three or four times for shortish rides of under two hours. Do you know what? I really enjoyed them and seem to have benefited far more in fitness and strength than if I had done one mahoosive Sunday ride and come home knackered.

This has got me thinking that on a short ride you are strong with plenty of energy in reserve so you can attack those climbs, train and enjoy the riding. By contrast on a long ride of 2-3 hours or more you're getting tired towards the end and it just becomes a drudge; you probably burn muscle bulk, you feel relieved to finish and by association the last ten miles becomes the most hated road in your area, especially if you often have to finish with a long climb on a main road going south west into a headwind like I do.

So I'm thinking that this winter when I really can't ride I'm going to aim for two or three half hour turbo sessions a week rather than beasting myself once a week for an hour.

What do others think?


Am no sure but once the wife wakes up I will let you know :smile:


I deffo feel more benefit/enjoy shorter rides, but for me I would class 2 or 3 hours as being short. That's not to say I don't go out for shorter rides than 2 or 3 hours but anything upto 3 hours is deffo short.


A Big Bad Lorry Driver
I'd love to get out for an hour or two for a 'short' ride, best I can do is the 7 minute 2mile blast to work and back, I can't extend my route due to child care timings before work, and the fact that I sometimes I finish work after midnight and just want to go home to bed, I did do a 42 mile ride last weekend but on the condition I took my 7yr old so was a more of a bimble than a out and out beasting... well not for me any way. I'm hoping I might be able to get out for a decent ride when the 3yr old goes to pre school:bicycle:

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
I'd love to get out for an hour or two for a 'short' ride, best I can do is the 7 minute 2mile blast to work and back, I can't extend my route due to child care timings before work, and the fact that I sometimes I finish work after midnight and just want to go home to bed, I did do a 42 mile ride last weekend but on the condition I took my 7yr old so was a more of a bimble than a out and out beasting... well not for me any way. I'm hoping I might be able to get out for a decent ride when the 3yr old goes to pre school:bicycle:

Hang on in there, your time will come. Won't be long before they are out raving all night.


Depends what your objectives are. Doesn't it always?

But if you are cycling once a week then you are continually detraining, regardless of how long your one ride is. To make progress, you need to maintain consistency in your approach, that means at least four rides per week. A lot also depends on the volume AND intensity of your sessions. 30 minutes sessions I think are just too short to be of any value.

Consistency however is the most important foundation stone to any training regime.
i enjoy my short rides, it's the way i've always done things, and i find when i come to do longer ones i can but like you say it becomes a bore after 40miles i think
they say anything over an hr of pretty high level activity the gain in health are very minimal anyway (read this is cyclist recently) so i'd be happy with your shorter runs, especially over the winter when there is less daylight (and motivation to some degree :tongue:)


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I know lots of people who stay very fit just by commuting on their bikes 2 x 15-60 minutes, 5 days a week, with perhaps the occasional longer weekend ride.

I on the other hand, did completely the opposite - no riding at all for sometimes 2 weeks at a time, then I would go out and thrash myself over the local hills for 6-8 hours. Not big, not clever, and look how I ended up ... :whistle:


Like Vamp says. you will not improve on 1 ride per week. You can do a lot in 30mins or less on a turbo, like a tabata session, for instance. Knock out two or three of them per week and you will see your fitness improve in no time...

I do extra long warm ups for Tabatas ;) I'd be warmed up in 30 minutes.


Legendary Member
Use your bike as a means of getting around - commuting, light shopping and running errands. It's the best way to maintain a good consistent fitness level.

I seldom do long rides, but when I do I can comfortably do 70 milers. Heck, I even did a century with no specific training - only commuting miles.


Use your bike as a means of getting around - commuting, light shopping and running errands. It's the best way to maintain a good consistent fitness level.

I seldom do long rides, but when I do I can comfortably do 70 milers. Heck, I even did a century with no specific training - only commuting miles.

Yes i agree with this. In the summer i built the cycling into my weekly travels. As the weather has closed in, less so and my fitness has dropped off slightly :-(
Hence the plan to buy a folding bike and do some inter modal commuting
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