Lidl pannier bags

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A gentlemanly pootler, these days
West Wickham
Just been in my local store for "weekend supplies" (not the sort of thing barbers used to do, more in the ballpark of salty snacks), and spotted some rather nice pannier bags, ones with a flap top and one with zip fastening, decent quality PVC, both types with padded laptop compartment in. They have sturdy spring loaded clip fasteners for the top of the rack, a useful carry handle, detachable.shoulder straps, and integrated rain covers.

£9.99 a go.

The one weak point would be the PVC panel which the bottom securing strap feeds through, these tend to split over time, so if you bought these I'd suggest putting something like duct tape over them to reinforce them.

Anyway, should you be passing, have a look and see what you think.


£9.99 a go.
Blimey - ! :eek:
Could be a decent bargain for general commuting. :smile:


3 year warranty on them. Might swap them for my Topeak if they have any left. I can save my Topeak for touring then
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