Leyther on board

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Senior Member
Hello everyone.

My name is Dave and hit the big Five O last year,and to be honest i had a bad time of it but am over that now.

I started cycling after catching the Wiggins bug and never looked back.My only regret was that i didn't do this years ago.Of course i did as a youngster but once i started work the bike was never used again.

About twenty months ago i bought my roadie,a Cannondale Caad 8 105 and it is my most treasured thing i own.My first few rides killed me,i rode almost 2 miles to a local marina,or boat park if you like and had to stop for 15 minutes to recover before the long haul back home of another 2 miles.^_^

As the year went by the rides got longer.Now i ride anything from 30 to over 50 miles and this year my one big goal is to crack the 100 mark.

Next month i will be doing the Great Manchester Cycle ride,the 52 miler,along with a few others.

About me,well i am married with two young girls aged 9 and 12 and work as a plumber,which i hate with a passion but need to put food on the table.I live in Lowton,next to Leigh and ride mainly through the lanes and roads of Cheshire and our locale.Always on the lookout for other like minded cyclist and have a very very small group on the Leigh-life website,so small it doesn't even count on the Richter scale but hopefully that will improve.


Hi and welcome to the forums!


Legendary Member
Hi, that is one of the best introductions I have ever seen.

Better to have found something you enjoy now, rather than never find it at all.


Senior Member
Thanks guys.:smile:

Yes,cycling has indeed changed my life,seeing the outside world is so much different to when driving the car and a hundred times more enjoyable too.:bicycle:


Über Member
Hi and welcome Dave I well understand your meaning of "hate with a passion" but like you say one has got to put food on the table !


Senior Member
Hi Dave,

Just ordered my 1st road bike, so new to this scene.. I to am a Leyther so will have a look at the Leigh Life group..

Be good to meet up with others like yourself ( but let me get the mileage up 1st) haha

It's a small world



Senior Member
Nice one Woody,what have you bought,i`m sure you will fall in love with it like i did.

Like you said,check out the forums on Leigh-life and join us on a ride out sometime soon.You`ll soon be ready if you ride every week.


Senior Member
Cheers pal..

Went for a Cannondale Synapse Alu Claris 2014.. I think it'll be good for a first bike, seemed to measure up well for me. Felt good.
Just awaiting stock now..

Can't wait to get out!
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