Leg End Member
To whom it may concern
What is it with motorists these days? They are constantly moaning about how they “the poor motorists” are being hit or penalised for the way they chose to use the road system.
Many who do complain claim that it is always the others using the roads that are causing the problems, never themselves. They will happily ignore what the law says about using the roads, but heaven help anyone else they see ignoring the same laws.
“Red light “ fever is growing. Manifesting itself in one of two forms. In one, they will slowly creep through a red light in a manner that suggests that if done slowly enough; they aren’t actually failing to stop for it. In its second form it’s a mad dash from one red light to the next. Anyone who slows them down in this, or is doing the same thing shouldn’t be on the road.
“Yellow light” fever usually involves the use of the hazard lights being used to park illegally. Or an amber beacon to allow them to go where they please, in whichever direction they please. Most noticeable amongst service vehicles this form. Both often done near shops & cash machines.
One way signs & systems mean nothing if they are only taking a “short” shortcut the wrong way through a set of lights or a junction. Or if done quickly enough no-one will see them. A variation on this is the reversing along the road, with the vehicle pointing in the direction of the flow of traffic thus enabling them to try & say they were parking. The fact that they may have just travelled 100 yards like this is immaterial to them. Also done where the width of the footpath enables them to avoid traffic travelling in the correct direction.
The catchall answer, if me, a mere cyclist, points this out to them, is that I (a cyclist) don’t pay “Road Tax” & I don’t have insurance. The first, I like them I cannot pay, the second I do pay. If they are driving round in the belief that they are paying “Road Tax”, fair enough. Delusional, but fair enough. For those who still insist that cyclists should pay emission based VED, can I ask would they be willing to pay the same tax as what they want me to pay. Roughly one in five motor vehicles has no insurance, bearing in mind that it’s a legal requirement, along with valid VED (emission based) when using the roads. Those who do pay that are being subsidising those who choose not to pay for either. Think about that when the insurance is due.
What is it with motorists these days? They are constantly moaning about how they “the poor motorists” are being hit or penalised for the way they chose to use the road system.
Many who do complain claim that it is always the others using the roads that are causing the problems, never themselves. They will happily ignore what the law says about using the roads, but heaven help anyone else they see ignoring the same laws.
“Red light “ fever is growing. Manifesting itself in one of two forms. In one, they will slowly creep through a red light in a manner that suggests that if done slowly enough; they aren’t actually failing to stop for it. In its second form it’s a mad dash from one red light to the next. Anyone who slows them down in this, or is doing the same thing shouldn’t be on the road.
“Yellow light” fever usually involves the use of the hazard lights being used to park illegally. Or an amber beacon to allow them to go where they please, in whichever direction they please. Most noticeable amongst service vehicles this form. Both often done near shops & cash machines.
One way signs & systems mean nothing if they are only taking a “short” shortcut the wrong way through a set of lights or a junction. Or if done quickly enough no-one will see them. A variation on this is the reversing along the road, with the vehicle pointing in the direction of the flow of traffic thus enabling them to try & say they were parking. The fact that they may have just travelled 100 yards like this is immaterial to them. Also done where the width of the footpath enables them to avoid traffic travelling in the correct direction.
The catchall answer, if me, a mere cyclist, points this out to them, is that I (a cyclist) don’t pay “Road Tax” & I don’t have insurance. The first, I like them I cannot pay, the second I do pay. If they are driving round in the belief that they are paying “Road Tax”, fair enough. Delusional, but fair enough. For those who still insist that cyclists should pay emission based VED, can I ask would they be willing to pay the same tax as what they want me to pay. Roughly one in five motor vehicles has no insurance, bearing in mind that it’s a legal requirement, along with valid VED (emission based) when using the roads. Those who do pay that are being subsidising those who choose not to pay for either. Think about that when the insurance is due.