There's a horrible one in Manchester I cross regularly. I hate using it as a car driver due to the horrible cycle lanes.
It is like a merge of the first and second images in the link.
But the distances are all wrong, and essentially makes cyclists give way to queueing traffic. Pointless really, as on the main road they would obviously have priority. And make far better progress, especially in rush hour.
That is nothing though compared to if there's no queue. Cyclists essentially have right of way as the road markings force the cars to give way, the problem is the buildings either side means that you cannot see into the cycle lane when looking left. Your only option is to pull out very slowly while looking, but by the time you can see your bonnet has already enroached into the cycle lane. But the distances in which you can see is atrocious, It forces drivers to pull out without being able to see properly into the cycle lane, while 99% of the time it's clear. All it takes is for the timing to be unfortunate, and there's a collision.
In busy traffic when cars are waiting, the cyclists would make better progress on the road. In quiet traffic, the visibility to the left for cars is poor, and you cannot see into the lane till your bonnet is in the cycle lane.