That's like nearly four
Mennock Passes stacked one on top of the other; or like three Green Lowthers. That's a sturdy but not impossible climb, if you hit it fresh at the bottom. There is no way I could do that at the end of 167Km, however, and there's no way I could do it in 25 Celsius heat. Chapeau to anyone who completes it even once.
I'm familiar with that strange euphoria you get towards the end of a really tough ride, when your brain drifts off onto all sorts of weird fancies and you laugh at the slightest thing. But it sounds to me like what he was suffering from was pretty severe sunstroke, as well...
I'd like to ride the Ventoux, just once, to say I'd done it. But not in a crowd of 9000 riders - that just doesn't seem sensible or safe to me. You're going to need water, and plenty of it. You're going to need to go at your own pace...
But it's one of the ones I'd like to tick off before I finally hang up my pedals.