Leg/knee pain

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Legendary Member
3 days ago started to develop a pain at my upper calf. It's now migrated and seems to be focused at the rear of the knee. It's not killer, but it's a good solid ache that becomes quite painful if I push things too hard.

No visible injury, no swelling, doesn't hurt to touch. No idea how I did it either.

Any ideas team?


Active Member
I get that quite often in my left knee, old age?;)


Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
Knee pain at the back of the knee can be from having your saddle too high or too far back and over-extending the knee joint. Drop your saddle a cm and see if it eases.


Cake connoisseur
Sounds like it could be your gastrocnemius muscle where it inserts into the back of your knee structure - do you stretch out your calves after you've ridden?

I sometimes get tightness there if I don't stretch or if I've been doing a lot of climbing/pushing a big gear.


Legendary Member
That makes me barely out of my teens!


Legendary Member
Update - after 4 days rest it still aches a little, but not too bad.

Dropped the seat 1 cm and tweaked the seat position and cleats. Rode in today and it hant aggravated it, aovwith luck it was over extension ofcthecleg causing my problems.

Cheers team.
I would take a gamble on feet position as I had a pain in the back of the knee a few weeks ago, not as bad as yours and when I looked at my feet position the left heel was about 2 cm further out to the right, which was probably caused by unclipping with cleats not tight enough, anyway after pulling the heel back in and tightening the cleat properly the pain went away.....oh and the pain was in the foot as well, could be a starting point by altering the cleat to a position you dont normally use just as a guide to rule it out.


Fast and careful!
Check all your set ups a given,but riders have got to stretch,when your calves get tight after a ride you jump off and more stress then on the top and bottom of the muscle of the calve,it will get worse if you don't attempt to keep,the muscle stretched either do it your self with exercise or a sports massage,it can take a while to completely better but pain will go,ice it short term,as I run as well as ride it is worse on my Achilles where it connects on the inside ,
Saying that you may of over done it,but please make sure you stretch out calves,quads and abductors at least it will help reduce these annoying pains,and remember to rest I am the same age as you and you don't get more bullet proof as you get older
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