Leaving a bike carrier attached...

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Alberto Balsam

Über Member
Evening all, I've got a Buzzrack tow bar cycle carrier. Up to now, when I've got to my destination I go to the trouble of taking the rack off and locking it in the car while I go for my ride. Am I being paranoid. Does anyone else do this? Or do you just leave the rack on the car and get on with your life???
Loch side.
If your rack has a lock, you are paranoid....or live in a ghetto.


South Wales
I never take mine off in that circumstance. But to take it off, you have to take off one of the arms, because with them on the outside of the supports, it doesn't fit my bike, while with them on the inside, you can't close it enough to come off the towball.

If I was a bit more paranoid, it has a holed for a padlock which would stop you folding it at all.


I asked AI to show the 'real' me.
Another one for folding it up and putting in the boot.

Top tip for roof racks - take the bike off before going under low bridge. Will help you understand why you need the tow bar mounted ones.


Über Member
Had a roof rack on last vehicle
I never thought at time if purchase but afterwards a policeman friend of mine advised to remove the rack whenever it's not in use as thieves will see the rack and follow the vehicle home as your advertising you have bikes around ....and worse still the bikes themselves are advertised on the roof fir thieves to view first
I never did take his advice but I now have a van with blacked out windows
Removing the rack also stops people walking or driving into it which, in some circumstances, they are likely to do as it extends outside the vehicle's 'standard' profile.

ETA: A similar effect to driving under low barriers with a roof mounted rack.
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N Ireland
I always remove my seasucker seeing it takes on average 8 seconds to take off. Sometimes I'll put it in my backpack if needed elsewhere.

I just have to remember to leave a dribble of water to reattach
Alberto Balsam

Alberto Balsam

Über Member
Thanks all. The consensus seems to be in favour of removal then. An angle I hadn't though of was that someone might crash into when parking... Thanks to JonBuoy for that one. 👍
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