My wife has just bought her first ever road bike, having previously only used flat bar hybrids. It’s a
Decathlon Women’s Starter Road bike and has a dual lever set up with traditional levers at the hoods and and another set of levers at the front.
Her current hybrid has quite wide bars, so she finds the levers at the front too close together to be comfortable (from a bike handling perspective) but the levers at the hood are harder to reach and apply sufficient pressure.
I’ve rotated the bar slightly so that the hoods are a bit nearer, but there doesn’t appear an obvious was to adjust reach for the actual levers. They are a Microshift (480 something?) designed for smaller hands.
I can always try decathlon but thought I’d first try the experts here. Is there a way to adjust lever reach or even just take some of the stiffness out of the levers?