Fiona N
I've just got the most amazing pair of 3/4 knicks, leggings, whatever you want to call them - they're red with a white strip and stars on the bum. How cool is that
I do love something a bit different form the usual boring black. Early on in my cycling career I got told off for turning up to race in a pair of red knicks back in the day when only plain black were allowed
so it seems like age isn't withering my love of a coloured short (see also avatar
I'll post properly on the review forum when I've been out for a ride but it's too horrible at the moment - i'd risk getting them dirty first ride
But the pad is a sight to be seen (well, by close friends...) as well, I just hope it's as comfy as it looks

I'll post properly on the review forum when I've been out for a ride but it's too horrible at the moment - i'd risk getting them dirty first ride