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Internet Marketing bod
After doing, er, 'something' outdoorsy on my knees I developed a lovely bruise on the right hand side of my left kneecap. I thought no more of it and a week later I rode a hundred mile sportive without too much bother. Then three days ago I lost the ability to go down stairs without squealing like a pig with its knackers caught on an electric fence.

So yesterday I went to see my chiropractor (who was head of sports injuries for a fancy pants Italian university) and he reckons I've borked the thingy that attaches muscle to bone. Not pleased.

Not sure why I'm posting this other than to say 'meh' and to try and get sympathy from folk who actually understand how much it sucks to be unable to cycle :sad:


Rest it and I hope you can get back on the bike soon!


Ouch - like the detailed medical description - "borked the thingy that attaches muscle to bone"

I assume/hope it can be fixed and wish you a speedy recovery :hello:

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
You mean the cartilage?
My sympathy! :hugs:
It's very sore, I know. Takes a few months to get better, sorry.
You should be doing exercises though, did physiotherapist not give you any to do?
I never did mine when told :smile:
Ouch, hopefully he's wrong and with a bit of rest you'll be up and running in no time. I could be wrong but I would have thought your knees would show discomfort/ pain before you did that actual injury; but that's just going on my previous knee injury and not medical fact!


Legendary Member
Tendon? Tear or inflammation? If tear, could be rather serious! If inflammation, ice it, take ibuprofen or slather on some ibuleve and rest it

If not better in a couple of weeks, you may be wise to see a gp and get the NHS referral process underway

Tendinitis not good, have in both needed surgery
Sorry to hear that you have joined the 'club'. Been struggling with my knee woes for the last 3 months which culminated in a painful final 60km to what was a wet 300+ yesterday.

Finally admitted defeat and withdrawn from LEL, now to start proper rehab rather than trying to rush and making it worse which I think as been part of my problem since March time. Don't fall into the same trap.
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