Knee Pain

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Holy Warrior

Active Member
West Yorkshire
Recently i've started to get a really painful left knee (inside and slight frontal) whilst cycling. Initial medical reaction has been to say that it is caused by my feet slightly sticking outwards normally (whilst walking, and such) then when I get on the bike they are forced into the proper straight position (no clipless pedals). Therefore they said it's about muscle memory, my quads in the habit of going outwards and stretching my knee into an unusual action.

This has possibly been accelerated by a football injury I got a month or two back. With my knee planted at an angle the opponents knee collided straight on into the inside of my left knee.

I would have thought that if it had been my posture at fault then it would have always been painful, not just recently.

The pain comes not from walking or other natural movements, but when I am powering through the left pedal stroke.

Also just while i'm here, I've also got pain behind my left knee if I bend my knee acutely. A heel to the arse movement like i'm stretching my quads. This came on overnight about a week ago and isn't subsiding.

Help please, I really want to get back out cycling but I daren't risk it yet!


As long as I breathe, I attack.


Go see your GP, you may have torn the minicus, which are the pads between your bones. Ignore it and you could start getting arthiritis ( like me)
I had to have a knee anthroscopy (key hole) to sort it out

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Holy Warrior

Holy Warrior

Active Member
West Yorkshire
"one tip for getting a good starting position is to sit on the edge of a table with hips, knees and ankles relaxed at 90 degrees. Look down: whatever angle your feet naturally dangle at should be replicated by the cleats."

Woah! Doing this exercise my left foot sticks out massively. My right isn't so bad which explains why that doesn't hurt. I just can't understand why this is a recent thing, surely they've always done that??

Behind the knee sounds like it will heal itself. By waking up that way it sounds as though i've over-extended it in my sleep maybe a strain something like a Popliteus strain. Ibuprofen and rest should help that. It looks to be more of an issue with runners rather than cyclists.

I don't know what to do about my medial pain, at the moment I use toe clips but loosely. If I tighten them it will put my foot in a straighter position but this will just hurt it more. If I switch to clipless, which I have but i'm quite frankly wary of being clipped in, i'd need to set them so my left replicated the position from the above quote which may help.

Holy Warrior

Holy Warrior

Active Member
West Yorkshire
Go see your GP, you may have torn the minicus, which are the pads between your bones. Ignore it and you could start getting arthiritis ( like me)
I had to have a knee anthroscopy (key hole) to sort it out

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I'm in the process of making an appointment just to be safe.

What was the recovery like after key hole? How long were you off the bike? And is that because you left a miniscus strain or just because you got arthritis?


Recovery for me was 3 weeks before slow bike rides, i hurt my knee playing football 2 years ago, slightly ruptured crucient ligament. As i'm 45 and don't plan to play footy anymore, consultant said it's not worth a full reconstruction.
Cycling is perfect for old knees :-)

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Well-Known Member
I tore my miniscus and had a bone reshape etc and was 3 months and still get twinges on some of the bigger hills I used to find easy . I guess everyone is different . No running no football but cycling got a big green light from consultant


Lost it, got it again.
I have been to my GP this morning, he says that there is some inflammation in the joint but no ligament damage. Rest and industrial Ibuprofens.

Exact same thing I had last month. I took 2 weeks off road cycling, and 3 week off running/MTB. now I'm back to being fine - if a little fatter...
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