Knee pain, clear problem?

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Moby Jones

Well-Known Member
I have been able to get out a bit more the last few days and now my left knee is giving me a bit of trouble. I have read that people have adjusted their cleats and this has fixed the problem.
I have sat on the edge of a table and it seems to me that my left foot points slightly outwards. Do I adjust the cleat on my left shoe? Do I point it inwards or outwards?
Help please

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Well-Known Member
Take a look at this.

The diagrams towards the bottom of the page are very helpful.
Great article that Adasta links to.
If the toes on your left foot are rubbing on the left hand side of your left shoe, then your cleat needs to point slightly more to the right when looking down at the top of your shoe. Take an allen key with you on your ride and micro adjust in the early stages of your ride. When your foot fits on the pedal, ideally there should be equal amounts of movement due to 'float' - left and right. If it is biased one way, then adjust accordingly.
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