Kids' scooters

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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
I walked past a local primary school today and did note with amusement that the bike shed was full of scooters but no bikes.


Bikes are much more of a logistical nightmare. Scooting children can be walked with. If someone different is picking up they can still escort the scooting child or stick the scooter in the car.
If child is on a bike, then you also really need to be on a bike. If you do drop off and someone else picks up, how do they get the bike back? How many keys are you going to need many keys for the bike lock (although a combi lock can be a good idea)?

Case in point:

I cycle with my daughter to school. She gets variously picked up by Granddad or mum who will both have driven to do the pickup. So the bike won't go in the car. Thus I drive back to school later on to collect the bike using the bike rack.

Sadly for the cycling, she will be moving soon to a school which is pretty much a no-go for cycling (fairly fast, long narrow road, tiny pavement).


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
Another vote for the mini micro. They are bomb proof. Just get busy with the decals and the rainbow tassels. You can also get this sort of thing:

as well as baskets, flowers - oh and don't forget the rainbow bike helmet to go with it!
OK, that thing's hideous - she'd love it.

Thanks for all the input folks, we're definitely going for a micro. But... I'm currently stood in the park watching the kids on scooters and the mini looks perhaps a little on the small side. So do you reckon the maxi would be too big for a four year old? It seems pointless to buy a mini only for her to grow out of it straight away but I don't want to get anything that's too big for her to handle.


Another vote for micro scooters - the kid had a mini micro and and a maxi micro (both three wheeled) - the Maxi is adjustable, and at it's lowest height is the same height as the mini, although it is heavier. The version she had is called the 'classic' now I notice.
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