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Hi all. I'm Russell, from Scotland but have lived in Europe for the best part of 15 years. My bike is a Cube Agree GTC SL, 2015 model. Changed the rear cassette from original 11-28 for a 11-32. Had to do it after an accident and subsequent knee op as there are lots of hills and mountains around here. Love road cycling but it is always the last 10km (6miles) of the ride home that kill me, the last climb is about 600 feet and invariably the wind is against me. Average ride length is between 30 - 50 miles with some climbing. My last ride, 2 days ago was 70 miles, done in 5 hours with a stop for lunch


Legendary Member


Welcome mate,and Slovakia sounds a cycling dream :thumbsup:

Yes it is, for road bike and mtb. Stunningly beautiful country and a very cheap holiday. Different parts of the country have different characteristics, there is something to suit everybody. Locals are friendly but can be a bit shy at first. Beer is cheap but good quality. Accomodation, tons of chalets to rent and very good value for money. The only let down, they don't know much about food, their home cooking is atrocious. You can find good restaurants but you have to know where to go. Would I suggest SK for a cycling, hiking holiday, absobloodylutely. And they have some amazing spas, with natural hot pools to relax in at the end of the day :smile:
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