Junction design

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Thoughts on this junction please. In particular paint markings. First picture is the far end of the junction shown in the second picture.


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Bimbleur extraordinaire
Back up north
^^ this
Don't see the point of either of the lines at all - a driver coming out of the junction (1st pic) shouldn't need a line to tell them to pull out beyond the very clearly marked cycle lane.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
Heap of suck. As well as making motorists think cyclists should give way, those "how to left hook" guide lines will encourage motorists to take a dangerous line across the cycle lane and probably too fast. Please report it as dangerous on www.fixmystreet.com ASAP so that any cyclist injured as a result can show that the highway authority knew.

I'd like to know how that relates to any non cycling lane anywhere. Utter nonsense.
Highways authorities used to paint conflicting carriageway lanes across junctions, but the latest one I found was the northern side of M1 J15 (Northampton A45, https://goo.gl/maps/GJQXqewrZuS2 ). You can probably guess what kept happening at many such junctions as motorists followed the "wrong" line of paint... :sad:

It seems that the practice may have fallen out of favour because I can't see them at junctions redesigned more recently - there seems more of an effort either to show the major route as the painted lane or to leave a big gap in the lane markings where flows cross.

So just as most designers seem to have realised it is a bad idea to guide motorists into collisions, someone starts guiding motorists and cyclists into collisions? :sad:


Thanks to all who have commented. It's brand new paint (yesterday and day previous). Junction is part of Manchester's 'Velocity' ambition project on Wilmslow Road corridor. Target completion of works on whole stretch (c. 5miles) is end of March.

My thoughts were:
1) markings were for me as someone on a bike, rather than a car; which would result in me hitting a raised kerb if I was turning left
2) if I was going straight on a bike, as noted it's a clear 'LEFT HOOK ME PLEASE' line for a car
3) first picture is just not needed. It's apparently necessary and 'continuing the kerb' to the concrete segregation island (not shown in pic); but again if I'm on a bike turning left out of side road, it's encouraging any cars turning left at the same time to cut me up again... drivers should have the common sense not to drive in the green lane and not to hit the bollard shortly to be in their way if they do
4) never seen this before so didn't have a clue what it was doing, as an 'experienced' rider who really does try to follow road signs...
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